What was the first thing Jesus said Publicly ?
Jesus said "follow me and I'll make you fishers of men!"
I'll have you put down your nets and everything esle you're busy with, and whatever
you consider important for your life and I'm gonna change you , and you will start fishing
for people. Rescueing them , being the watchman, telling them that there is this great God , that
you can put your trust in Him, that there is salvation for you.
Now, what were the Last words of Jesus?
- Go on to all the world and make disciples of all nations.
The purpose of you and me being saved is not to make money and get rich, it's not to
follow rules and rituals and it's definetely not to live a comfortable life, the purpose of being saved is to fish for men, make disciples, spread out the good news, and everything in between!
Now, you wanna know what really bugs me? The fact that these were the first and the last statement made publicly by Jesus ( Meaning, there is a great value to it) and still, there are so many people sitting at church for years and years and are not able to name one disciple!
We created a system where we will be doing other things rather than be out there fishing for men, fishing for souls...you know why? It's because are ashamed of sharing the gospel, we don't want to tell people about this Jesus, we are gonna be laughed at and rejected, because we live in a time where people reject the idea of having a God that is sovereign and peole simply don't want to live their lives under God's plan, they simply don't accept the fact of having someone telling them what they should do. So, do we go out there and tell other people of His great love and grace? Do we tell them that there is a God who has plans and dreams for their lives that are indescribable and unimaginable, bigger than they ever thought about?
Of course not, because we rather stay home , creating systems where we can stay home , sit back comfortably and do some religious rituals during our week and not make any disciples.
I'd rather do just about anything than making disciples, I'd rather consume my time with comfortable activities than taking the risk of being mocked and rejected because I shared the gospel of Jesus Christ.
But guess what? At the end of our lives , you will be standing before God and He will ask you:
-"where are your disciples? " Didn't you read what was written in the bible?"
The matter is, if you are a believer of what God has done in your life thru Jesus Christ, why are you not making disciples? Why are you not telling your next door neighbor about Jesus? Why are you hiding under a church roof and creating a fortrees around you where you have no contact with these people? Why gather on sunday mornings and talk about what the scriptures teaches us and not pratice it out? What's the point?
The point is this: http://www.tangle.com/view_video?viewkey=7205541ae57bad229393