Thursday, August 20, 2009

Our Heavenly Dwelling

Today I was reading and meditating on 2 Corinthians chapter 5 and God reminded me of our purpose here and that we tend to forget when we get so ditracted by the things of this world. On verse 1 Paul tells us that the "tent" that we live nowadays will be destroyed. It's funny to see Paul refering to our earthly house as "tent". You see, here Paul picked out a word which could best represent what our house here on earth is similar to. If you've been camping before you probably know that we use the "tent" for the time we will be in camping ground it's something temporary , it's something that won't be forever. So Paul here is telling us, don't be so fixed to your "tents" here on earth because they will be destroyed, we have a an eternal house in heaven made by God and not built by the hand of men. What worries me is, have we really been depositing our efforts , our hope, our entire life for this "tent" we have nowadays or for the eternal house made by God? Have we been living for today like there's no tomorrow, have we been living for the things here, because if we have , we are losing our time, we are losing our energy , we are losing our life! No matter how strong you have built your house here , no matter how rich you are, no matter how great is your status, you gotta keep in mind, it will vanish, it will be destroyed. Don't accumulate riches here, don't invest your life in the things that are temporary "tents". Instead, accumulate treasures in heaven,invest your time in relationships, invest your time in knowing Jesus Christ more intimately. Because in the end only these things will matter , only these things will remain.

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